A summary of the reign of Elizabeth II and events that took place during her reign
On February 25, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Many students from African and Caribbean nations were trapped in Ukraine, due to the
suddenness of the invasion. Here, some Jamaicans share their accounts.
Image attribution: Ιγκόρ, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
All of the passengers who boarded the Empire Windrush were British.
Colonisation in reverse – England owed them and still owes their descendants, better.
All of the countries named as “underdeveloped” in the world are exploited by others; and the underdevelopment with which the world is now preoccupied is a product of capitalist, imperialist and colonialist exploitation.
Competing at the 2000 Summer Olympics, the eighteen year old won her first Olympic medal, claiming silver in the 4×100 relay.
In 1977 Morris returned from China, completed her degree and returned to her home-community in Brixton. In Brixton, Morris became a founding member of the Organisation for Women of African and Asian Descent (OWAAD), 1978-82, and edited the organization’s magazine FOWAD!
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, Brother
They are still treating us like “other,” they are not treating us like we are part of the fabric of the society, they are still treating us like an anomaly.
Many of the enslaved Africans were branded with the initials ‘DY’, standing for Duke of York. They were shipped to Barbados and other Caribbean islands to work on the new sugar plantations, as well as further north to England’s American colonies.