A summary of the reign of Elizabeth II and events that took place during her reign
“The Windrush legacy, as we look forward to life in Britain beyond 2020, is of progressive and better educated multi–ethnic and multi-cultural communities facing up to prejudice, bigotry and ignorance; challenging inequalities and exclusion; and helping Britain to be an inclusive and fair society in which every person is able to live their lives without the fear of harassment, discrimination and exclusion”
He has a magnificent three and a half octave range, used to great effect in a vast range of projects too numerous to list here.
All of the countries named as “underdeveloped” in the world are exploited by others; and the underdevelopment with which the world is now preoccupied is a product of capitalist, imperialist and colonialist exploitation.
“Consensus is something you have if you cannot have agreement.”
When Braithwaite turned one hundred in 2012, he returned to his native Guyana where he was awarded the Cacique Crown of Honour by President Donald Ramotar.
Born in East London on February 19, 1961 to Pearl Lawrence, a British-Guyanese nurse, and Patrick Fashanu, a Nigerian barrister, Fashanu was one of the couple’s three children.
more than 2,500 enslaved Africans working here revolted against the outright injustices meted out to them. And at the forefront of this massive revolt was Cuffy, the Akan man brought to Guyana to work on the sugar plantations.
He was educated at the School of Oriental and African Studies (London University) and the Rutgers Graduate School and held degrees in African Studies and Anthropology.
Set gem-like and fair, between mountains and seas,
Your children salute you, dear land of the free.