Police (RH)

Police (RH) Resources Hub June 20, 2021 BTP six times more likely to use force on Black people

The charity Inquest said: “Despite recent public concern around dangerous and disproportionate use of force, particularly against black people, this data shows not enough is being done by British Transport police to prevent it.

Police (RH) Resources Hub June 17, 2021 Robyn Williams: Sacked Met officer wins appeal against dismissal

Compare and contrast the Metropolitan Police’s treatment of officers Pc Deniz Jaffer and Pc Jamie Lewis who remain in their jobs after taking selfies with the bodies of sisters Bibaa Henry and Nicole Smallman. See the end of this article for the link.

Police (RH) Resources Hub February 15, 2021 UK – Mohamud Mohammed Hassan Police misconduct notice served

Mr Hassan was arrested at his home on suspicion of breach of the peace but was released without charge the next day, 9 January, and died that night.

Police (RH) Resources Hub February 15, 2021 UK -Mohamud Mohammed Hassan: Death of black man after night in Cardiff police custody sparks protests

Protestors marched to the station from Cardiff’s city centre, chanting “no justice, no peace” and demanded the force release CCTV of the 24-year-old’s custody stint.

Police (RH) Resources Hub February 11, 2021 USA: Why William Barr Rejected a Plea Deal in the George Floyd Killing

In a country whose criminal justice system rarely holds police officers accountable for killing on the job — not in Ferguson, Mo., not in the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, not in the case of Eric Garner in New York — the trial of Mr. Chauvin is seen as a test of whether anything has changed

Police (RH) Resources Hub Uncategorized January 7, 2021 Jacob Blake: officers will not be charged in shooting that left Black man paralyzed

The officer who shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back in front of his 3 children, will not face charges.

Police (RH) Resources Hub October 29, 2020 Met police criticised for multiple errors in stop and search practice

The Met has hugely increased its use of stop and search over the past year, following a call from the government to deploy the tactic more to try to reduce violent crime.

Police (RH) Resources Hub September 7, 2020 ‘The man who shot my mum is still living his life’: Cherry Groce’s son on life after police brutality

It gradually dawned on the family that the man with the gun was not an armed burglar but a police officer. The scene became hellish.

Police (RH) Resources Hub August 27, 2020 Jacob Blake: Teenager arrested over Wisconsin protesters’ deaths

A spokesman for the Wisconsin Professional Police Association told the BBC individuals and groups were exercising their own form of vigilantism.

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