A Encyclopaedia Africana April 14, 2021 ALT RIGHT: A PRIMER ON THE NEW WHITE SUPREMACY

Alt right, short for “alternative right,” is a repackaging of white supremacy by extremists seeking to mainstream their ideology.
The term emerged in 2010 and started to gain widespread traction in 2016.

A Encyclopaedia Africana March 8, 2021 AMILCAR CABRAL

During his time in Lisbon, he founded student organizations centered on African nationalism, including a Center for African Studies

A Encyclopaedia Africana March 6, 2021 AYAAN HIRSI ALI

“Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.”

A Encyclopaedia Africana March 6, 2021 ALEXANDRE DUMAS pere

Dumas also had several love affairs throughout his life, flouting societal convention by fathering several illegitimate children, including Alexandre Dumas fils who too would become a noted writer

A February 28, 2021 EFUNROYE TINUBU

Efunporoye Osuntinubu Olumosa (often shortened to Efunroye Tinubu) was a shrewd and ambitious Nigerian business tycoon who wielded enormous economic power across Western Africa and political power in Abeokuta and Lagos.

A Encyclopaedia Africana February 27, 2021 ALI AL’AMIN MAZRUI

Mazrui was always willing to confront contentious issues. He began his academic life in the 1960s as an ardent critic of all variants of Marxism, just as African socialism was becoming the prevailing orthodoxy.

A Encyclopaedia Africana February 16, 2021 AL GREEN

After being kicked out of the family home for listening to the secular music of Jackie Wilson, Green started a group called the Creations, which later became Al Greene and the Soul Mates.

A Encyclopaedia Africana February 14, 2021 AIME CESAIRE

In Paris, Césaire met Senegalese Léopold Sédar Senghor and French Guiana’s Léon Damas. Together they started the journal L’Etudiant Noir (The Black Student) in 1934 to bring together students from Africa and the West Indies. The journal explored the expression of a Pan-African worldview under colonization.

A Encyclopaedia Africana October 10, 2020 ARETHA FRANKLIN

Celebrating having her 100th R&B-charted single with “Rolling In The Deep (The Aretha Version),” making her the first woman and fourth artist in history to have done so, Aretha says, “I recorded it in between doing shows on the road so it was hectic – and I’m very happy with everything on this project.

A Encyclopaedia Africana October 10, 2020 ALVIN COLE

The prosecutor reviewing Alvin’s case revealed on October 7 that Mensah will not be charged for his death.

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