Ottobah Cugoano

Encyclopaedia Africana O November 20, 2020 OTTOBAH CUGOANO (BORN 1757)

Plaque erected on 20 November 2020 by English Heritage at Schomberg House, 80-82 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HF, City of Westminster

Encyclopaedia Africana P October 9, 2020 PHILLIS WHEATLEY: BRITISH LIBRARY ENTRY

Abolitionists, for their part, also supported Wheatley as they did other African writers, arguing that by their literary merit and Christian witness they were living proof of the slave trade’s immorality.

Encyclopaedia Africana I October 9, 2020 IGNATIUS SANCHO: BRITISH LIBRARY ENTRY (EXTRACT)

Despite his high-society associations, his ownership of property and his right to vote, Sancho was always aware of his African heritage.

Encyclopaedia Africana O October 9, 2020 OTTOBAH CUGOANO: BRITISH LIBRARY ENTRY

It was the first book written by an African to demand the total abolition of the slave trade. It was also the first to press for reparations to African nations impacted by large-scale human trafficking.

Encyclopaedia Africana O October 9, 2020 OLAUDAH EQUIANO: BRITISH LIBRARY ENTRY

He was baptised at St Margaret’s Church, Westminster, in February 1759.

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