Encyclopaedia Africana P March 18, 2021 PELÉ

Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known to the world as “Pelé,” is revered as one of the most influential football (soccer) players in history.

Encyclopaedia Africana P March 6, 2021 PAUL BOATENG

what is Africa? It is a collection of very different countries and regions, with different characteristics. They do have certain things in common however – with huge biodiversity and mineral wealth and across the continent the most youthful population in the world with the biggest growing middle class in the world, but within that – real difference. There is this tendency to generalise.

Encyclopaedia Africana P October 9, 2020 PHILLIS WHEATLEY: BRITISH LIBRARY ENTRY

Abolitionists, for their part, also supported Wheatley as they did other African writers, arguing that by their literary merit and Christian witness they were living proof of the slave trade’s immorality.

Encyclopaedia Africana P October 6, 2020 PAUL STEPHENSON

It took until 1976 to have legislation that criminalised racist actions in employment and housing, and established the Commission for Racial Equality, which could support people in industrial tribunals.

Encyclopaedia Africana P October 3, 2020 PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR

He sought employment with various Dayton businesses, including newspapers, only to be rejected because of his race.

Encyclopaedia Africana P September 26, 2020 UK: FEMALE PROFESSORS OF AFRICAN DESCENT

“I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.”

Encyclopaedia Africana P September 18, 2020 PHARRELL WILLIAMS

There are different ways of doing it. For me, I want to chase after a feeling, something that just feels good. And from there, lyrically, the music just sort of sets the template for the words. The feeling directs all creativity.

Encyclopaedia Africana P September 11, 2020 PETER TOSH

“Don’t care where you come from/As long as you’re a black man, you’re an African.”

Encyclopaedia Africana P September 11, 2020 PHILANDO CASTILE

His final traffic stop was far from his first. It was in fact his 46th stop — almost all of which were related to fairly minor traffic violations.

Encyclopaedia Africana P September 10, 2020 PLAYING THE RACE CARD

Unfortunately, for racists in the 21st century, using this term is no longer a viable line of defence against a generation of highly educated, switched on Black people.

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