
Encyclopaedia Africana M March 20, 2021 MANSA MUSA

In addition to encouraging the arts and architecture, he also funded literature and built schools, libraries and mosques. Timbuktu soon became a centre of education and people travelled from around the world to study at what would become the Sankore University.

A Encyclopaedia Africana September 1, 2020 AFRICAN RELIGION IN THE AMERICAS & BRAZIL

The African religions migrated to the Americas in the slave ships; carried into the region in the spiritual beliefs held by those whose bodies the colonisers had entrapped, kidnapped and enslaved.

Encyclopaedia Africana G August 28, 2020 GUINEA NATIONAL ANTHEM

The people of Guinea, preaching Unity, Call to Africa.
Liberty! The voice of a people
Who call all her brothers to find their way again.
Liberty! The voice of a people
Who call all her brothers of a great Africa.
Let us build African Unity in a newly found independence!

Encyclopaedia Africana S August 18, 2020 THE SONGHAI EMPIRE

The Songhai Empire was based in West Africa, south of the Sahara Desert and along the Niger River and Senegal River. At its peak, it stretched well over 1,000 miles covering land in nations that we know today as Niger, Senegal, Gambia, Nigeria, Mali, Guinea and Mauritania, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.

C Encyclopaedia Africana August 10, 2020 SEKOU TOURE: ON CULTURE

Colonization has never engendered, under the most diverse and subtle aspects, anything but a moral, intellectual and cultural superiority complex towards the colonized peoples.

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