Superwoman by Paul Hauss
Far Away by Z3na and Dericks
Woman by Z3na
Superwoman by Paul Hauss
Far Away by Z3na and Dericks
Woman by Z3na
The idea of “chastity” among Aboriginal women was considered by the European men as “preposterous”.
The lives of Aboriginal people have been the most tightly regulated in Australia. From the time the First Fleet landed on Sydney Cove in 1788, they were subject to rules and regulations aimed at controlling every aspect of their lives.
The prevalent racist ideology was that Aboriginal people were inferior in intelligence and only fit to become the servants of the rest of society.
As a policy, White Australia is gone. But as an ideology, it arguably lingers on. There certainly is a minority who want to “reclaim” an imagined idyllic Australia of yesteryear, with its white monoculture.
Before colonisation life was good,” “People had freedom over their territories, people were able to practice their culture, look after their country, look after their families, and were able to live in a society that met all their needs.