Video (LT)


Cherry Natural considers herself as a feminist dub poet or activist, and her sources of inspiration include the late Jamaican poet Louise Bennett. Louise Bennett is well-known as the first Caribbean poet who used Creole or patois consistently and to great effect in her ballads, and who relentlessly stood up for the people’s language as opposed to standard English which was then considered as the only passport to social elevation.

Image attribution: The SVG code is valid. This vector image was created with Inkscape by SKopp, and then manually edited by Zscout370, Madden and others., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Listening Tree Video (LT) April 5, 2022 Malcolm X Talks Meeting Fidel Castro (1960)| Barry Gray Talk Radio

Barry Gray on WMCA New York interviews Malcolm X. Malcolm X discusses his meeting with Fidel Castro in Harlem and systemic injustice on or about September 20, 1960.

Image: Phillie Casablanca, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Listening Tree Video (LT) February 27, 2022 13th – documentary by Ava DuVernay

Made available by Netflix (not known how long) this is a don’t miss documentary

Image: Stephanie Moreno/Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communications for Peabody Awards/University of Georgia, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Listening Tree Video (LT) February 27, 2022 The Black Cop: a villain, a victim and a hero​ – Bafta 2022 nominated documentary

An account of a Black man who decided to join the Metropolitan Police Force and what happened to him while he was part of that particular organisation

Listening Tree Video (LT) January 28, 2022 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o: “Europe and the West must also be decolonised” (2019)

Writer Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o has always questioned the literary tradition written in colonial languages, analysing the dynamics and the functioning off colonised societies and their relationship with the colonisers. Thiong’o defends the mother tongue as a weapon against linguistic imperialism, and recommends decolonising minds and the imagination, in Africa and Europe alike. We talk with him on the occasion of the publication in Catalan of his book “La revolució vertical” (Raig Verd, 2019).

Image: Sixoone, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Listening Tree Video (LT) January 28, 2022 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR SPEAKS IN CHICAGO (1967) ON WAR, RACISM & POVERTY

Because the brother said more than just, “I have a dream”.

Image: Yoichi Okamoto, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Listening Tree Video (LT) January 27, 2022 STOKELY CARMICHAEL AT HOWARD UNIVERSITY, USA (1972)

During a lecture to students at Howard University, Stokely Carmichael speaks about the movement of black people toward unity with a clear, common ideology based on science. He stresses black people must put theory into practice – organize and take action. He speaks about the differences between revolutionary and reform movements; Pan-Africanism; the All African People’s Revolutionary Party; scientific socialism; nkrumahism; capitalism; and imperialism.

Image attribution: See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons (

Listening Tree Video (LT) January 27, 2022 IS IT TOO LATE? BLACK LEADERS DISCUSSION (1972)

Asking the question “Is It Too Late?”, Black Journal surveys the attitudes of Black Americans towards politics, integration, segregation, self-determination, economics, education, movements, leaders, and leadership. The participants, who, in addition to answering queries, each make statements, are: Rev. Ralph Abernathy, Imamu Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones), Dr. James Cheek, Rev. Albert Cleage, Rep. Ronald Dellums (D-California), The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Dick Gregory, Dorothy Height, Vernon Jordan, and Dr. John Morsell.

Listening Tree Video (LT) January 26, 2022 “The New Jim Crow” – Author Michelle Alexander gives the 2013 George E. Kent Lecture at the University of Chicago

Michelle Alexander, highly acclaimed civil rights lawyer, advocate, Associate Professor of Law at Ohio State University, and author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, delivers the 30th Annual George E. Kent Lecture, in honor of the late George E. Kent, who was one of the earliest tenured African American professors at the University of Chicago.

The Annual George E. Kent Lecture is organized and sponsored by the Organization of Black Students, the Black Student Law Association, and the Students for a Free Society.

Listening Tree Video (LT) January 25, 2022 Fannie Lou Hamer Interview (1965)

Colin Edwards interviews Fannie Lou Hamer on the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, voting rights, human rights, and politics during an interview he taped during her visit to Berkeley. Mrs. Hamer also relates a vicious beating she received in a Winona, Mississippi, jail from two African American prisoners forced by officials. She discusses her admiration for the Deacons for Defense and her friendship with Malcolm X.

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