The official revisionist historical narrative of the British after the Transatlantic Slave Trade is that there were only 3.1million African people captured, enslaved and worked to death by the British. SWR does not believe that this narrative is historically correct.
C Encyclopaedia Africana
June 26, 2021
Enslaved Africans constantly fought to keep their identity and heritage alive.
D Encyclopaedia Africana
September 5, 2020
My mission is to make history accessible and tell stories of the past across every medium. In genre terms, I am a historian of empire.
Encyclopaedia Africana U
July 13, 2020
UN Decade for People of African Descent
The objectives for the Decade are to, “Promote respect, protection and fulfilment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by people of African Descent.
Encyclopaedia Africana T
July 13, 2020
He was the leader of the successful Haitian Revolution. In 1743 when Toussaint was born, Haiti was known as Saint Domingue.
Encyclopaedia Africana H
July 13, 2020
British Empire/colonialism is not something to be celebrated. It was built on dehumanising, enslaving, raping, buying and selling other people, maiming, ethnic cleansing, massacring, working people to death and stealing.
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