Saint Lucia

Encyclopaedia Africana T August 19, 2020 TRIX WORRELL

“While there might be all these workshops today to increase the presence of minorities on screen, it’s just about boxes being ticked. In reality, I don’t think we’ve moved on.

Encyclopaedia Africana W August 19, 2020 WILLIAM ARTHUR LEWIS

From 1970 to 1974, I set up the Caribbean Development Bank. These experiences broadened my understanding of development problems, without doing much to deepen it in the scholarly sense.

Encyclopaedia Africana J August 19, 2020 JACQUES COMPTON

In January 1982 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and in June 1990, the Government of the Republic of France appointed him a Chevalier De L’Ordre Des Arts Et Des Lettres.

D Encyclopaedia Africana August 19, 2020 DEREK WALCOTT

I have never felt inhibited in trying to write as well as the greatest English poets.

Encyclopaedia Africana S August 6, 2020 SAINT LUCIA NATIONAL ANTHEM

Sons and daughters of Saint Lucia,
love the land that gave us birth.
Land of beaches, hills and valleys,
fairest isle of all the earth!

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