
Encyclopaedia Africana J March 13, 2021 JEAN-JACQUES DESSALINES

Fearing a French resurgence and the reinstatement of slavery that would accompany it, he ordered the massacre of approximately 5,000 of the island’s white men, women, and children declaring “I have saved my country.

A Encyclopaedia Africana March 6, 2021 ALEXANDRE DUMAS pere

Dumas also had several love affairs throughout his life, flouting societal convention by fathering several illegitimate children, including Alexandre Dumas fils who too would become a noted writer

C Encyclopaedia Africana September 28, 2020 CHEVALIER DE ST-GEORGES

eing of mixed race he had greater legal rights than an enslaved person of African descent, but in spite of his name and in spite of his fame, he would forever be denied the privileges of a white man.

Encyclopaedia Africana N September 4, 2020 NAOMI OSAKA

Watching the continued genocide of Black people at the hand of the police is honestly making me feel sick to my stomach.

A Encyclopaedia Africana September 1, 2020 AFRICAN RELIGION IN THE AMERICAS & BRAZIL

The African religions migrated to the Americas in the slave ships; carried into the region in the spiritual beliefs held by those whose bodies the colonisers had entrapped, kidnapped and enslaved.

Encyclopaedia Africana H August 6, 2020 HAITI NATIONAL ANTHEM

For Haiti, the Country of the Ancestors
we must walk hand in hand
There must not be traitors among us
We alone must be our master

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