
Encyclopaedia Africana S February 28, 2021 SARAH FORBES BONETTA

Less than a year after she arrived, however, young Bonetta developed a cough believed to be caused by the climate of Great Britain.

C Encyclopaedia Africana October 12, 2020 OLUOLA KOSSOLA/CUDJO LEWIS

Oluale Kossola was taken from the Yoruba kingdom of Takkoi to Alabama in the 19th century. Photograph: Courtesy of McGill Studio Collection, The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of South Alabama

A Encyclopaedia Africana September 1, 2020 AFRICAN RELIGION IN THE AMERICAS & BRAZIL

The African religions migrated to the Americas in the slave ships; carried into the region in the spiritual beliefs held by those whose bodies the colonisers had entrapped, kidnapped and enslaved.

A Encyclopaedia Africana August 26, 2020 ROYAL PALACES OF ABOMEY (BENIN)

The Royal Palaces of Abomey are a group of monuments of great historical and cultural value.

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