“Most common diseases are disruption of the hormonal system, cancer, infertility, birth malformations, abortion and psychological disorder”
French looting
How many times have people of African descent and origin been described by white supremacists as barbaric, savages, animals, sub-human – the list is endless. Whose behaviour and history shows irrefutable evidence of these things that they accuse us of? The answer is, all of the former invading and colonising nations. How The Voulet-Chanoine Mission …
“Interestingly, in France, one out of every three light bulbs is lit thanks to Nigerian uranium mining. But in Niger, nearly 90 percent of the population has no access to electricity.
“La politique touche à tout et tout touche à la politique. Dire que l’on ne fait pas de politique, c’est avouer que l’on a pas le désir de vivre.”
“Politics touches everything and everything touches politics. To say that you don’t play politics is to admit that you don’t want to live. ”
Bénédicte Savoy of France and Felwine Sarr of Senegal, recommend that objects that were removed and sent to mainland France without the consent of their countries of origin be permanently returned — if the country of origin asks for them.
How can we possibly steal, that which belongs to us?