British Museum

Jan'20 What's Going On December 11, 2020 09.01.2021:Virtual Black History Tour of the British Museum

This virtual tour will take place on Saturday 9th January 2021 from 19:00 to 21:00 GMT.

Oct'20 What's Going On September 30, 2020 27.10.2020: Virtual Black History Tour of the British Museum, online event

Black History Studies lead a Black History Tour of the British Museum highlighting artefacts of African History held in the Museum.

Listening Tree Narrative (LT) August 31, 2020 Yes, I’m a trustee of English Heritage. And I want the Benin bronzes returned

For many, myself included, offering African nations their own art treasures on long-term loans is not enough.

Listening Tree Narrative (LT) August 30, 2020 It is not Hans Sloane who has been erased from history, but his slaves

While he stood on a pedestal the significance of slavery to his life and to his collection was rendered invisible.

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