Racism in British Schools

Encyclopaedia Africana R February 6, 2021 UK – Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Education of Children from Ethnic Minority Groups, 1985

‘… as a matter of urgency the government (should) institute a high level and independent inquiry into the causes of the underachievement of children of West Indian origin in maintained schools and the remedial action required’.

Encyclopaedia Africana R February 6, 2021 UK – WEST INDIAN CHILDREN IN OUR SCHOOLS INTERIM REPORT, 1981

Concern about West Indian children and their performance at school was expressed as long ago as the early 1960s. For instance, in 1963 a study by Brent LEA found the performance of West Indian children was, on average, much lower than that of white children in reading, arithmetic and spelling.

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