Michael Brown

D Encyclopaedia Africana September 29, 2020 DARREN SEALS

He wanted people to listen.
He wanted people to wake up.

Encyclopaedia Africana M September 27, 2020 MICHAEL BROWN

Michael Brown, the unarmed Black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

Police (RH) Resources Hub July 31, 2020 Michael Brown: Ferguson officer won’t be charged for 2014 killing

BBC News, 30 July 2020 Prosecutors in the US city of St Louis have said they will not bring charges against a former police officer who shot dead a black teenager in 2014.  The killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson triggered weeks of protests. It also led to the founding of the Black Lives Matter …

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