A summary of the reign of Elizabeth II and events that took place during her reign
After his tennis career ended Noah became a well-known pop singer and co-founder of Fête le Mur in 1996, a charity organization for underprivileged children.
“La politique touche à tout et tout touche à la politique. Dire que l’on ne fait pas de politique, c’est avouer que l’on a pas le désir de vivre.”
“Politics touches everything and everything touches politics. To say that you don’t play politics is to admit that you don’t want to live. ”
Their tight schedule included several performances a day — from morning to evening they were gawked at.
Michael survived the Nazi era, but even after 1945 he continued to live in hiding to avoid racists. His friends and colleagues wanted to leave Germany for the US as soon as possible.
De l’Afrique sois fidèle enfant
Et progresse toujours en paix,
Espérant que tes jeunes enfants
T’aimeront sans bornes à jamais.
The right-back was most famous for playing every minute as he led the team to the quarter-finals of the 1990 World Cup.