Ali Al'Amin Mazrui

Listening Tree Poetry (LT) February 27, 2021 I CROSSED by ALI AL’AMIN MAZRUI

When I grasp you, my hands grasp nothing
but a corpse that died with no justice

(Image credit: Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)

Listening Tree Poetry (LT) February 27, 2021 I AM I by ALI AL’AMIN MAZRUI

River –
We stand on your bank
tears falling on us
that stream into your heart

Listening Tree Poetry (LT) February 27, 2021 DOOR by ALI AL’AMIN MAZRUI

Everything looks at you twice
Ashamed, you look away,
you let it happen.
You can’t look for a fight.

(Image credit: Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)

A Encyclopaedia Africana February 27, 2021 ALI AL’AMIN MAZRUI

Mazrui was always willing to confront contentious issues. He began his academic life in the 1960s as an ardent critic of all variants of Marxism, just as African socialism was becoming the prevailing orthodoxy.

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