09.10.2020: Black Couples Who Made History, online event

September 29, 2020

Friday 9 October


Black History Studies

Black Couples Who Made World History 

Can you Name 10 Black married couples who have contributed to world history? 

Throughout history, there are many Black men and women who have joined together in marriage and have contributed to World History. Often their contribution as a couple have been overlooked and not celebrated. There have been attempts to destroy the institution of marriage and to break families apart but Black families have been able to stay together and survive during difficult times in history.

In this presentation, Black History Studies team husband and wife team Mark and Charmaine Simpson will focus on royalty, liberators, activists, educators and musicians who have altered the course of history. Clearly there is a need to give a balance against the negative messages and images that surround Black relationships. 

Register for the Zoom Meeting before Friday 9 October at 7pm    

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