18.09.2020: Online book launch, The Silenced Voice by Marcia Morgan
The Silenced Voice, a new book encouraging people to think differently and identify strategies to overcome the anxiety and pain associated to the feelings of invisibility, exclusion and isolation, will be launched online on 18th September 2020.
The Silenced Voice
The book by Dr Marcia Morgan, narrates the challenges black women face because of the intersectionality of gender and race in the UK, with a focus on the academic success and career progression many of these black women are able to achieve.
Dr Morgan captures the emotional turmoil, as well as what it ‘feels’ like to be an intersectional subject in two white male dominated institutions: Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, UK and Higher Education.
She uses the rich texture of words to capture the readers imagination, by igniting an emotional connection as well as a logical interpretation of the experience shared through the poems, interview extracts and interpretative narrative.
How to attend the event
The virtual launch of The Silenced Voice will be held on 18th September 2020 from 21:00 to 22:30 CEST (20:00 to 21:30 BST) via Zoom.
RSVP to receive the Zoom link: Email: drmm@black-women-amazons.com
Event details
The event to be hosted by Black Women Amazons, will feature Dr Morgan and friends. Join them for an evening of justice, peace and poetry, chaired by Fitzroy Andrew.
“This book combines poetry, narrative and analysis through the lens of intersectionality and organisational psychodynamic theory to empower and inspire others through #JusticePeacePoetry,” she said.
All about the author, Dr Marcia Morgan
Dr Morgan is a British Caribbean woman. She is married with children and works for Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service and is a senior lecturer at the University of East London.
She volunteers as a Race Ambassador and Social Mobility Ambassador for the Ministry of Justice, advocating for the application of an intersectional approach to staff data analysis.
Dr Morgan is a level 7 qualified Executive Coach and Mentor. She supports women in higher education, the workplace and young people in education, specialising in cross-cultural coaching and mentoring techniques combined with an intersectionality and organisational psychodynamic framework.
She uses her website: www.black-women-amazons.com to share her research projects, personal experiences, advice and guidance to inspire others to pursue their dreams and contribute to knowledge production and theory.
In her spare time, she enjoys cross country running and reading contemporary multicultural romance novels.