September 1, 2020

My name is Jay Bee and Media Arts is my life.

I started working in the field from the 80’s, with a diverse range of skills in Audio, Video, Graphic Design and Computing. Working as a Media Arts Technician for various high profile education establishments. The experience I have gained is second to none and has assisted me in becoming one of the leading production platforms in London.

I can record a video of your important event, whether it be a stage show, a music video, a funeral, a wedding, a christening, a children’s party with a variety of packages to suit your budget:



£150 upwards

We aim to provide a low budget high quality product for Video Adverts, Children’s Parties, Album & Book Launches and the like.

£260 upwards

We aim to provide low budget high quality products for Conferences, Stage Performances, Music Videos (basic package), Adult Parties and the like. 

£470 upwards

We aim to provide a low budget high quality product for Wedding Videos (basic package), Music Videos (semi pro package), Burials & Blessings, Concerts  and the like.

£980 upwards

We aim to provide a low budget high quality product for Wedding Videos, Concerts, Music Videos (pro package), Documentaries, Short Movies, (All two camera shoot). 

For more information, check our website:

Or contact us as detailed below:


07448 497 825

07949 405 701


07448 497 825

07949 405 701


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