Jomo Kenyatta

Encyclopaedia Africana J March 21, 2021 JOMO KENYATTA

While in Europe, Kenyatta studied anthropology at the London School of Economics, gave public lectures, wrote to newspapers, traveled across Europe and participated in the Pan-African Congress.

D Encyclopaedia Africana September 2, 2020 DEDAN KIMATHI

n 2007, Kimathi was officially recognized and honored as a national hero by the then Kenyan government. On the anniversary on the day he was executed, a bronze statue of Kimathi was unveiled in Nairobi city centre. Kimathi, clad in military regalia, holds a riffle on one hand and a dagger on the other, symbolizing the last weapons he held in his struggle.

Encyclopaedia Africana K September 2, 2020 THE KENYA LAND AND FREEDOM ARMY (MAU-MAU)

. “We went on and on and on; we did not want to leave [the struggle] until [the British] came to understand that this country belongs to the Kenyan Africans.”

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